2:12 PM

Sep 9, How to Cope with Infidelity

Many individuals on a daily basis face the complication of how to cope with infidelity. We each have the choice to remain faithful to the individual that we have elected to marry. On the most part, most of us try our best to stay honest and faithful to the person that we are with. What happens when the person that we are with makes the choice to break the link of trust and betray us? Here, you will be introduced to effective ways on how to cope with infidelity. If you have been a victim of adultery, you know and understand the feelings of a betrayed spouse. When you first find out that you have been ?cheated on?, there is this hot, sinking feeling. Your ears start ringing, and your head starts spinning. Initially, you feel hurt and betrayed, and will probably think ?What did I do to deserve this?? This is a normal reaction. Emotionally, you have been betrayed, and this does call for hurt. It is acceptable to feel like this. Then, you will probably quickly transition into feelings of anger and resentment. This, too, is normal.

Finding out that your spouse has had an affair is a hard bit of knowledge to swallow. There are many questions that run through your mind. Questions where you wonder what it is that you have done to deserve this, questions about how in the world the person that you have loved and care for all this time could be so cold as to rip apart the love and life that you have shared. Then, there is the question of whether or not to forgive, forget, and move on. If you love your spouse, and see any possibility in moving past this complication, it is important to know some steps to moving on after an affair.

There are a number of effective steps to moving on after an affair. While this will probably be the most difficult experience of your life, it is possible to get past it and rekindle the relationship so that it is productive and mutually beneficial. The following outlines some steps that can be taken to accomplish this:

1. The first thing that you will want to do is find emotional support. It is important to encourage your spouse to have support to. They probably know and understand that they have made a mistake, and will need someone to help them work through their emotions as well. You can find this support with friends, close family members, members of clergy, or even professional counselors.

2. The next step to moving on is for both you and your spouse to allow some time to heal. You may choose to do this together, or apart.

3. Finally, you both need to be open and honest with each other. If you have questions, ask. Let your spouse know that this is a necessary component to your healing. If you put it this way, they may be more willing to cooperate.

Rebuilding trust after an affair is probably the most challenging task of all. The first thing that must be done, obviously, is to have your spouse commit to ending the affair that has been engaged in. It is also important that the spouse admit that they were wrong and take complete responsibility for their actions. If they are able to do this, it is likely that you will be able to trust them again. Once you have gotten past this point, you should come up with goals for the relationship and even consider counseling that focuses on the marriage. These are the most effective ways on how to cope with infidelity.

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REPEAT CHEATER  Not rated yet
I was married for 15 years and together for a total of 25 years. When we got married, i found out my husband was in love with his secretary. We separated ...

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This is a bit of a wild story, but we (me and Hubby) had a friend (Joyce). The whole time we thought she was a true friend to us both. Meanwhile she actually ...

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