5:58 AM

Jun 21, Relationship Breakdown

There have been a wide variety of relationship breakdown cases. It?s caused by a lot of reasons. But many of these cases are caused by boredom.

Being contented with a relationship is good enough. But it also does not mean that you should just go on with the relationship and do the same routine everyday. Sometimes, you also need to add spice to the relationship. Do something extraordinary and outrageous as a couple. Go out and have fun together. If you don?t, you are only giving boredom a chance to set in. You are allowing it to damage your relationship.

When you are bored, you might be looking at every available person who lets you experience something new. This person adds vigor to your boring day at home. In turn, you will completely forget the good qualities of your partner and only see that somebody who?s adding spice to your days.

You definitely don?t want this to happen, right? So, you better REVITALIZE the relationship. Add a new flavor to it by:

? Planning your future. Because of the everyday struggles of married life, couples tend to forget about the future. Plan, visualize and uphold your future as a couple. By doing so, you?ll see your partner in a new light and be able to appreciate them more.

? Spending quality time. Spending even just 15 to 20 minutes with your partner really helps. This is not for airing out your frustrations, etc. This is for the both of you to talk about what happened on that day, the people you encountered or just about anything that interests you.

Don?t easily succumb to boredom. Boredom can easily be alleviated especially if you are with your spouse, the person you truly love!

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