4:01 AM

Jul 25, Divorce and Infidelity

Divorce and Infidelity:

Based on statistics, 60% of men and 40% of women participated in an extramarital affair during their married life. This is the real infidelity scene and it leads to divorce. Divorce is detrimental to every married couple?s lives.

When a spouse has an affair, the other is bombarded with so many emotions. Others who have been in this situation fully understand that these emotions will die away. Then, they find themselves living normal lives again.

Here are some of the emotions a spouse feels once he/she knows that the other has had an affair:

? Denial. This is a normal first reaction of most people. They find it hard to believe that their spouses are cheating despite of how clear the evidences are. But, the non-cheating spouse should accept this. No matter what happens with the marriage, you have to e honest with yourself. Only then can you get past through this.

? Rage. Anger is normal. When your sacred vows have been violated, when you have been betrayed, it?s normal to be angry at your cheating spouse and the other person. Even if it?s normal, it?s also destructive. So, you must be able to manage it well.

? Rejection. Your self-esteem would become so low the moment you discover that your spouse cheated on you. You feel rejected. The best thing for you to do is to turn to your friends and family. They are the people who truly love and respect you. Draw strength from them. Divorce and infidelity carries a lot of effects. So, when these two come along, learn how to cope with these emotions. This way, you can face life positively no matter where the marriage will take you.

Divorce Advice for Women
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Divorce and Custody Handbook
Divorce Survival Guide

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