7:02 AM

Jun 8, Divorce Prevention

Divorce Prevention:

In today?s society, divorce cases are on the rise. It has become an epidemic. But you can change this scenario. Why get divorced when you can prevent it from happening?

Positivity in every single day. You need to motivate your spouse every single day that you are with each other. You can do this by putting on positive emotions in the relationship. Use humor. Appreciate his/her actions or behavior, no matter how simple they may be. You can criticize but do it constructively. When you communicate with him/her, always do it positively.

When conflicts arise, sprinkle positive emotions in your conversation. Instead of shouting back at your partner, find something that you can laugh about. Or you could show your appreciation with regards to his point of views. You may even need to agree to disagree. Never call names, blame, etc. Do not let your negative emotions rule over you. The moment you do, marriage will sink.

Friendship. Before you got married, you and your partner started out as friends. You dated and got to know him/her. You were even eager to know his likes and dislikes. In the first stage of marriage, these are still important to you. Later on, the relationship reaches a different level and you tend to pay less attention to what makes your partner happy. Then children are born and so and so forth.

To keep the marriage intact, always maintain the friendship you once had with your partner. Remember that - friendship is the very foundation of your relationship.

Patch up. In any situation or conflict, always have a strategy to patch it all up. You could sincerely apologize or hug him/her. Or whatever it is that will let your spouse know that you want to fix things.

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