12:18 PM

Oct 22, Infidelity Forum

It appears that most of our visitors are not interested in an infidelity forum -- so instead of a forum we are going to be asking for you to share your infidelity story and how you survived it.

Whether you have betrayed or been betrayed, please share your story to help others in a similar place

Click below to see contributions from other visitors to this page...

Surving a two month affair  starstarstarstarstar
My husband had an affair last year. When I found out, it felt like I was a piece of glass and someone took a sledgehammer to me and I was shattered in ...

It never goes away:  starstarstarstarstar
I have now been married for 39 years,but in the 17th year of our marriage, my husband cheated. I do have suspicions that it was not the first time. This ...

Wounded Spirit...  starstarstarstarstar
Please help me save myself. I am reaching out at a breaking point and like others have found that counseling is not helping me to heal. This is a last ...

Sadness that doesn't seem to go away!  starstarstarstarstar
I need help ... I have seen several counselors for this matter but for some reason I feel it makes matters worse. I caught my husband having an affair ...

almost three years ago  starstarstarstarstar
am still struggling with trust after husband slept with coworker. This was shortly after id had a breakdown. he said he would stop contact with her-even ...

Clueless  starstarstarstarstar
I am married for 24 years with 3 sons. I am 50 years female and working abroad. My husband works in an antique store back home.It all started last Dec ...

Against the Wind  starstarstarstarstar
I was told about my wife's affair almost a month ago. I have spent every day reading websites over and over, trying to identify what happened and trying ...

feel like i could die  starstarstarstarstar
My wife is a flight attendant--a job I have supported her in. I was well aware of the stigma and yes, I had concerns that there would be opportunities,...

Top 9 Signs Your Spouse Is Cheating  starstarstarstarstar
You have a sinking feeling in the pit of your stomach, something is not right but you can not quite figure out what that feeling is about. Your spouse ...

Cheating Wife Story - Weight loss is not just weight loss  starstarstarstar
Jeffery's Cheating Wife Story:

I have been a supportive husband, a devoted partner, and a dedicated father. I had always thought that my marriage and ...

Broken   Not rated yet
I've been with my husband since I was 25 and I'm now 45. We've grown into adults together. We've raised two children together. We've been through good ...

Cheated and Married Him ... ???  Not rated yet
We started dating about 3.5 years ago. It started out as just friends and then we quickly became best friends. Eventually over time, the feelings grew ...

Infidelity Research Study  Not rated yet
This is an invitation to participate in a study on views of infidelity in relationships

The study will require you to answer a short online questionnaire ...

Waited 30 years before dealing with his affairs  Not rated yet
My husband started cheating on me right after our daughter was born (3 years into our marriage)... I believe this was when things started to fall apart....

Emotionally Disconnected Husband had an fling/affair  Not rated yet
Gosh, where do I start? I met my husband over 11 years ago,(i was 20, he was 21) and fell deeply in love with him quiet quickly. He also fell for me quiet ...

Never thought it would happen to me...  Not rated yet
My husband and I have been married 7 years and have two beautiful boys (5 and 4). I have had the feeling that he was cheating or had cheated for a while....

Surviving Infidelity for Mothers  Not rated yet
Dear Mothers,

My name is Brian Lee.

My Dad left my Mom for another woman more than 10 years ago. She did an amazing job to raised me and my sister,...

Not happy?  Not rated yet
When I think of it now I see all the signs. They are there, in black and white. But I ignored them or just did not choose to see them. And had I chosen ...

Tene Jones  Not rated yet
After 11 years of being together and five years being married, I learned that my husband was cheating with someone for over 3 years. Later, I then found ...

RE: Excellent Marriage Counseling Site Here...  Not rated yet
My husband had cheated on me about 4 months ago and I finally decided to stop dwelling and get some counseling. Lou at Attainment Life helped me get back ...

How To Catch A Cheating Spouse Quickly And Easily?  Not rated yet
E Hack Zone: Email Surveillance Services...

For all those people who want to find out if your partner is cheating or the p a s s w o r d to your partner'...

Cheated on by now wife 5 times before we got married.  Not rated yet
My wife and I got married a couple of years ago and had been together for ~8 years before we got married and I felt very lucky to have found her aside ...

low moral character  Not rated yet
I'm a paraplegic and it affects my ability to perform sexually. My wife responded to an ad on craigslist posted by someone looking for sexual partners....

Across the ocean then back again  Not rated yet
7 years ago this last August 1st I met the man of my dreams.......or so I thought. I was in the end stages of my marriage and knew I wanted to be with ...

With my best friends  Not rated yet
My husband and I went to a festival--he really really wanted to go. I met Mimi. Turns out he'd already been sleeping with her. Eventually, thru many ...

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