10:27 PM

Jul 28, Emotional Infidelity - signs of infidelity

Emotional Infidelity -- To many people when you say that a person had an affair, the first that pops into mind is scandalous rendezvous between a married person and someone other then their partner. There is another type of an affair, and it is perhaps more damaging then a sexual affair and it is emotional. You have probably had this type of affair and not even been aware of it. To help you understand what this type of infidelity is, here is a list of red flags:

thinking or saying that you and the other person are ?just friends.? If you or someone you know is saying this chances are greater then not that they are already close to verge of becoming more then friends. Why? When we say that we are ?just friends? it is usually in defense of a behavior or to rationalize doing something that you know is wrong. looking forward to seeing that person and wanting to them to the first person you tell about our day. The only person that you should be looking forward to seeing is your partner, and they should be the first person that you tell about your day. sharing intimate problems and details with this person. Also the moment that you start to think that this person understands you more then your spouse does you should know that you are engaged in an emotional infidelity. Understand that at first it seems this way, this is the lure of the affair. It is the equivalent of the mirage in the dessert? it isn?t real. So what is the difference between having a friendship with a person and having an emotional affair with that person. The truth of the matter is that it is a fine line. In a friendship you confide in one another about certain things, you are very open about your friendship, and your partner is okay with that relationship. When you share things with a friend, they are there for your support, but you don?t go into the intimacies of the your relationship with your partner. When it is an emotional affair you are doing and saying more then you would with any other friend you have. You are sharing those intimate details, your partner is uncomfortable with the relationship you have with that person, you tend to hide the time you are with that person. This person also begins to take up time in your thoughts and you pine for them. You can?t wait to see them again. The primary danger of an emotional infidelity is that it could end your marriage. You may be thinking that any affair could do that. Yes and no, when you have an emotional affair with a person you tend to become resentful towards your partner as well as causing serious trust issues between you and your partner. If you think that you may be involved in an emotional affair, stop and ask yourself why? If there is something that you are not getting from your partner it is far better to address the issue with your partner and not look to fill the void elsewhere.

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