9:17 PM

Jul 12, Surviving Divorce

Surviving Divorce:

Divorce is one of the most painful experiences in married life. Divorced couples exhibit diverse responses towards it. Others easily surrender. They perform poorly on their jobs. They withdraw from family and friends.

But there are those who survived. They endured. They moved on because they took care of themselves by doing following:

? Regular check-ups. If you are feeling sick, go to the doctor for a check-up. This way, you can recover from it in a short period of time.

? Supplements. Always take vitamins so you can help yourself relieve stress easily.

? Regular exercise. Perform regular exercises such as walking, cycling, swimming and others.

? Good habits. Don?t be tempted about drinking, smoking or taking drugs to relive stress. These are not helpful at all.

? Sufficient rest. Avoid late night TV shows. Take a hot bath before going to bed. If you can?t sleep, ask your doctor for a sleep aid.

? Good diet. Stress may make you forget to eat. So, never miss any meal. Eat healthy foods and rink plenty of water.

? Anger management. Don?t let anger get you. Instead, you handle and express your anger in non-destructive ways. Just cry. Scream into a pillow. Buy a punching bag. These are just some of the ways wherein you can release all those tensions.

? Panorama. Change your home interiors by trying on a new arrangement of your tables and chairs; trying on a new paint, putting on new curtains, etc. Get out and have fun. View nature. Visit the park or better yet travel to different places.

? Proper hygiene. When stressed out, some people forget to look and feel good about themselves. Don?t let stress rule over your hygiene. If you do, you?ll easily get sick and depressed.

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