4:42 PM

Oct 22, Infidelity Warning Signs Quiz

Take the Infidelity Warning Signs Quiz here and put your mind at ease:

They are protective of their cell phone -- you are not allowed to answer or check messages
Emails are deleted when they used to accumulate
They become defensive and angry when you ask questions
They stop wearing their wedding ring
Starts deleting phone numbers off the caller ID
They suddenly want to try new love techniques or stops having sex with you
They supposedly work a lot of overtime but it is not showing up in the pay
Has unexplained bruises and marks on their body
Has recently started taking a special interest in their appearance eg. joined the gym, buying new clothes, new hair style, etc.
Your intuition tells you that "something is not quite right"

I hate to be the one to break it to you, but if you answered yes to at least 5 of the above there is a relatively high chance that your spouse is cheating on you.

If after taking the Infidelity Warning Signs Quiz you have realized that your husband or wife may be cheating on you then it is time for you to make some decisions about where to go next.

First I would suggest that you read through the 3 Steps to Catching a Cheating Spouse as the first step is about working out what to do next and will help you determine whether you want to know the truth and what you will do with the facts.

Next we have a FREE course for Surviving Infidelity and this course will take you through the process and give you more information about dealing with infidelity in your relationship. You can sign up right now here >>

Next step? Share and read others experiences, what happened to them, how they dealt with it and where they are now.

AND READ -- the more you read - the better you will be able to cope with the infidelity and either save your marriage or make the decision to move on. Our Infidelity Resources page has everything you need to make an informed decision about where to go from here.

I hope that by providing this information we are helping you to make an informed decision on a very difficult situation.

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